Collaborations & Funding
2023-2025 EU Horizon 2020 SME Partner; Funding under Grant agreement ID: 964874
Using real-world big data to improve outcome of severe mental disorders
With a large number of patients lacking efficient treatment options, mental disorders represent one of the biggest burdens for the European healthcare system. Current treatments are based on a trial-and-error approach; as multi-morbidities are frequent, this often leads to polypharmacy and poor outcomes. This project aims to optimize the treatment of mental disorders through novel precision medicine strategies based on current pharmaceutical options.
2023-2027 The Research Council of Norway; Funding under Project Nr: 344121
Multimodal digital avatar tools for early diagnosis of dementia in municipalities
The main aim is to enable the municipality health service to meet the increasing demand for early diagnosis of dementia and position the Norwegian healthcare sector for emerging treatment alternatives. This will provide a person with dementia a timely and precise diagnosis, enabling earlier interventions and personalized healthcare.
2023-2025 EU Horizon 2020 SME Partner; Funding under Grant agreement ID: 84776
Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in people with mental disorders
This project investigates mechanisms underlying the higher incidence of cardiovascular disease in people with mental disorders. Using 1.8 million genotyped biobank samples from national registries, it will uncover the underlying molecular mechanisms by identifying structural brain changes and body fat composition. This project aims help to create the basis for a new approach in clinical studies by providing precision medicine tools to deal with a major public health issue.